This year’s list of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor medalists included 98 names from across the country and nine recipients were the bearers of typical Armenian last names ending with “ian”, representing various fields of activity: Silvia Tchakmakjian; Dr. Varoujan Altebarmakian, Shoghag Hovanessian; Hratch Kaprielian; Aso Tavitian; Dertad Manguikian, Hon. Gregory Melikian; Vahe Yacoubian, and Ara Kevork Karajerjian. “This is a country of limitless opportunities, and it was absolutely rewarding to be recognized for the work that I had started years ago,” says Silvia Tchakmakjian, the owner & CEO of Silvias Costumes, Inc. - a company that has been serving the US entertainment industry for over 25 years. The Ellis Island Medal of Honor, that ranks among America’s most prestigious awards, throughout 27 years of its existence has been presented by NECO (National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations) to hundreds of naturalized and native-born Americans in order to pay tribute to some of the most distinguished citizens of the country who have made significant contributions to their communities and the nation. The ceremony is held annually in May on the historic Ellis Island in New York, where the first US Federal immigration station was opened in 1890.