Standing strong against Armenian Genocide denial, the California State Assembly Education Committee unanimously adopted AB-659, a measure introduced by Assembly Member Adrin Nazarian which would mandate the inclusion of Armenian Genocide materials in CA state curricula and expand the use of oral testimonies in the teaching of the Armenian, Cambodian, Darfur and Rwandan Genocide and the Holocaust.
Testifying forcefully in support of the measure was ANCA Western Region Legislative Affairs Director Haig Baghdassarian. Turkish American groups presented a diatribe of genocide denial, which compelled Committee Chairwoman Joan Buchanan and fellow Committee members Rocky Chavez and Shirley Weber to set the record straight about the importance of speaking clearly about genocide and historical injustices.
Following a 30 minute discussion, the CA Assembly Education Committee adopted the measure with a vote of 7-0. The bill now goes to the Assembly Committee on Appropriations for consideration.