09 September 2013, 21:04
46824 |

Global Shapers announce 'TUMOrrow' initiative

Global Shapers Yerevan Hub has announced the launch of its new project "TUMOrrow."

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOgJBH3ykps&feature=share

Within this project, about 20 teenagers from low-income families and night care school will take classes at the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies.

The Global Shapers Community is an initiative of World Economic Forum. It is a network of city-based Hubs developed and led by young leaders between 20 and 30 years old who want to develop their leadership potential towards serving society. To that end, Hubs undertake local projects to improve their communities.

TUMO is a new kind of after-school learning environment where students aged 12-18 are in charge of their own learning. TUMO gives to its students a unique opportunity to get advanced in animation, multimedia, game development, web development and digital media. Students will acquire technical (computer programming, 3D modeling, 2D graphics), artistic (drawing, music, writing) and professional (online literacy, communication, collaboration) skills.


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